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Gretchen & Al Beatty


Flies Embroidery.Questions .Place Order

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Books by The Beattys


If you have ever wondered how to weave a fly body, this book has the answers for you. From the simplest to the most complex, the reader will read what all of the fly tying world has to offer regarding woven fly bodies. In addition, no other book has offered information on braiding as part of a fly body until now. When Al was a young working cowboy in the '60s he learned to braid rawhide horse equipment from an old-time Nevada cowboy. Those braiding skills soon found their way to our fish hooks providing a unique appearance to the patterns using the concept. The Kindle version is $6.99 and the hard copy is $22.99 plus SH from us or online from at -

Free Humpy

If you thought tying a Humpy was just too difficult to mess with then you are in for a treat. We bet there is at least one method of the 12 (actually 15) we teach within its pages that will change your mind. What's best is this great book is FREE to download, use, and learn. Yup, that's right it's FREE!!!! Just click on this link to get your electronic copy. The hardcopy version is $19.99 plus SH from us or online from at -


This is a first in a series of fly-tying books that teaches the reader how to tie a single discipline and do it well. In this book, the reader will learn how to tie Wonder Wing flies from soup to nuts so to speak. You will learn how to "manufacture" the perfect set of wings in much less time than it takes to "locate" them by searching through a bunch of feathers or a neck. The book will improve your fly tying experience AND get you on-the-water faster.
Get this book via eBook download for only $4.99 or $19.99 for a hard copyversion plust SH from us or online from at -



Many fly tiers learn to apply dubbing using as many as three techniques to apply those loose, pesky fibers to a hook shank. This book will make your flies look better, appear professional, and be more durable. Within these pages, the Beatty's bring a wide range of fly tying knowledge using their more than 100 years of combined fly tying experience and their crystal clear macro photography. Get this book for Kindle for only $3.99 or $19.99 for a hard copy plust SH from us or online from at -


Many fly tiers consider constructing flies from animal hair to be difficult and very honestly they are not the easiest patterns to produce. However, we offer you an alternative - the EZY Trout Flies in this book. Within these pages, we will show you simple techniques and materials to tie flies that look the same as their more difficult to construct cousins like Humpies, Wulffs or Trudes. The techniques are easy to learn and should benefit any tier should they decide to go for more advanced patterns. That said, as far as the fish are concerned they like the flies just fine.
If interested, go to then type "Grethcne Al Beatty books" in the search engine box. It's only $4.99 for an eBook download or $19.99 for a paperback version from our website or from Amazon at -


Recently published, A How-to-Series Book, The Self-Publishing Encyclopedia AND How to! WRITE An Illustrated Fly-Tying Guide for Kindle. If you've ever dreamed of being a published author but didn't know how to get started OR how to navigate Kindle's pitfalls then one of these book are for YOU! If you are only interested in writing an eBook for fly tying or any other book with many photographs, then WRITE is the book for you! BUT, if you want to expand your horizons and write paperback print books, eBooks, produce audiobooks and quality online video, etc then The Self-Publishing Encyclopedia is for you! We spent several years learning about those pitfalls, how to avoid them, and how to fix them. Included in it we review the required Kindle templates (free below); photography and editing for Kindle; how to make a cover for your book; and take you step-by-step through the Kindle publishing process. If you are interested you'll find it we have it here or it's available at type "Gretchen Al Beatty books" in the search engine. The cost varies depending on which book you want and whether you want it in a electronic or paperback print version. Here NOW, a brief audio MP3 file reviewing the two self-publishing books.

LaFontaine's Legacy BOOK


We were very pleased to count Gary as one of our many friends. We worked on several projects together including a series of videos we produced under his direction. He even asked us to refine our BT’s Dubbing Wax and we developed the  Super Tacky formula for him. We were honored when he asked us to publish his last flies; it was his final request of us. Here is the Amazon reprint of LaFontaine's Legacy, a book of the last patterns from the master of fly-tying innovation, Gary LaFontaine. ONLY $24.99 Get your signed copy today!!
E-mail or call 208-861-8802 OR go here on Amazon - Download 12 Double Wing recipes here.


We re-published our Hair Wing Flies book as a downloadable e-book or as a hard copy book. If you struggle with Humpies, Wulffs, Trudes, etc. then this book has the information you need!. The most important thing you'll learn from it is how to select the proper hair for the pattern you want to tie and then how to easily apply it to the hook. If your hair wing flies tend to end up looking helter-skelter, then this book is for YOU! If interested, go the Amazon link at - It's only $4.99 for an eBook download or$21.99 plus SH for a hard copy. It's also available from us here.


Mastering the instructions in this book will take an aspiring fly tier from total novice to advanced amateur in just a few short pages. The early chapters provide the reader with a solid understanding of the tools, techniques, and materials to construct seven foundation fly patterns. What is a foundation pattern? It is a fly that not only teaches an important fly-tying skill but also provides a basis from which to build an exciting fly box of patterns attractive to the angler and the fish alike. The Kindle version is $2.99 and the hard copy is $19.99 plus SH from us via email or online from Amazon at -



FREE!! Self-Publishing TEMPLATES!!

MS Word eBook Template
Beatty's 36-Chapter MS Word E-Book Template

Print On Demand Templates
MS Publisher 48-page print-book Template

MS Publisher print-book COVER Template

BT's Fly Tying Friday
6:00 PM Mountain-Oct to May

Yes, that's right. We offer free fly tying lessons-demos via Zoom every Friday from October to May at 6:00 PM Mountain. Every Friday we feature some the best tiers in the world (including us). Join the fun by sending an email to Al requesting information and the invitation. Be sure to include the email address where you'd like to receive the weekly notification.

The Sturgis Hackle Gage
We've recently received requests for a hackle gage like the one we use purchased originally in the late 70s. It's no longer manufactured so we've made a copy available to down load. Here is the
Sturgis Hackle Gage link:

Our Zoom Studio

We get many questions about our Zoom Studio and offer the following Amazon affiliate links to give you a starting point in assembling your presentation platform tools. We are assuming you already have a laptop or desktop computer you can use however a good presentation can be made using nothing more than the camera in your smartphone. Our smartphone is a Samsung Galaxy S-20 5G which is an older model that still does a good job today in the studio. Here is a list of equipment you might consider:

In addition to a laptop computer and a smartphone, we (and Fred DuPre’) suggest adding a simple MANUAL focus USB webcam as your on-the-fly vise camera. If you go this route, be sure the camera is manual focus like this one - This is not the best but will get you started.
The best camera for the fly-in-the-vise is a Mokose C-100 4K, HDMI-USB with a 10-50 mm lens. A less expensive model is available with a 2.8-12 mm lens that is good for a materials camera but get the 10-50 for the vise camera. Here is a link to both versions - Also, some DSLRs will do a great job but cost more than the C-100.

When you add cameras to your laptop, you find yourself running out of USB ports in short order and NO you don’t want to run cameras into Zoom through a USB Hub – a computer crash will be in your future. We have a bunch of people on a Zoom class when this happened to us. We had to finish the class using a smartphone. Here is the best HDMI camera switcher for our type of livestreaming or Zoom presentations. It is the Blackmagic ATEM Mini – a “Pro” version is available for $500.00 but the less expensive Mini will serve you well. Here is a link to the Mini -

A microphone is a good way to improve your Zoom audio. We used two of these in our studio, but many other options are available -

We use several inexpensive LED lights like the two options we offer here. The clamp version works well for around the vise applications - and the table mount is good for the talent lighting - Before buying lights, look around the house. We started with a couple of shop lamps we had in the garage.

Camera support can be simple or complicated. Here is a real simple option for placing a camera or smartphone on the opposite side of the vise from the tier -, we started with this type of setup. We evolved to the same side of the vise as the tier and after several mistakes we ended up with a Manfroto 244 Magic Arm with camera mount - It’s expensive but holds any of our cameras rock solid.
Materials camera jib arm - This isn’t the most expensive but is strong enough to support a DSLR. Don’t go cheap on these unless the only thing it will support is a smartphone.
Smartphone support clamp - Just about anything can work. We started with a couple of pieces of board and a rubber band.

In expensive UV resin made for 3D printers but works great as a fly tying resin. Here is a link to the stuff we use and it's available in multiple colors: Anycubic 3D Printing UV Sensitive Resin -

Refillable small black bottles with metal tube dispenser to use with the UV printer resin -


BT's Double Magic Dubbing!
Supports the LaFontaine fly-tying technique!!!

BT's Dubbing Kit


This dubbing kit has 12 colors of dubbing each in its own package and in its own pocket inside of a heavy-duty, Cordura pouch hand made by Gretchen Beatty. There are 6 colors of Double Magic Dubbing and 6 colors of Soft Touch Dubbing. Those colors are DM = cream, olive, ginger, black, brown & gray while the colors in ST = peacock, purple, orange, red, brown & olive. INCLUDED with the dubbing are BT's Tacky & BT's Super Tacky dubbing wax (1 tube of each) in a storeage tube for the wax OR for thread.
Price is $50.00 for the complete kit OR $20.00 for the Cordura dubbing pouch.
SH is usually between $5.00 & $10.00 in the continental USA.
E-mail or call 208-861-8802.
Place an Order.

See the LaFontaine book on the left side of this page for tips on using this dubbing.



Also NEW!!! BT's Tool Kit


Here is another heavy-duty Cordura pouch (black) made by Gretchen Beatty with 44 elastic loops to hold your personal tying tools. We include with the pouch 10 of our favorite tying tools. They include 2 flared standard bobbins, rotating hackle pliers, threader/half-hitch, hackle gage, brass hair stacker, gold-handle scissors, bodkin, rotating whip-finisher and a rotating dubbing loop tool.
Price is $50.00 for the pouch + 10 tools - SH is usually between $5.00 & $10.00 in the continental USA.
E-mail or call 208-861-8802
Place an Order.
If you want to fill the empty loops, check the tools section of our catalog to turn your tool kit into a DELUXE fly tying tool organizer.



Al's favorite Hackle Wallet


If you are like us, you've already found traveling with (or storing) beautiful Whiting saddles can be tough on the feathers. So Gretchen built us several heavy-duty, Cordura hackle wallets sized (6.25" X 16.5") long enough to protect those beautiful feathers. You can slip 3 or 4 packaged saddles (or capes) inside OR Al's has managed to get as many as 8 saddles/capes in his wallet when they are removed from the package before placing them inside.
Price is $18.00 for the wallet. SH is usually about $5.00 when shipped in the USA.
E-mail or call 208-861-8802. Place an Order.



Gretchen Makes Candy Books!


When you follow the simple recipes and instructions in these professional level eBooks you also can make never fail peanut brittle or English Toffee. Gretchen's candy making education got its start at the young age of six when she attended her first candy making school with her mother and aunt. The aunt (and her husband) then went on to operate a candy store in Anchorage, Alaska for many years named Alyeska Candy Kitchen. The recipes in these simple-to-follow e-Books are the product of Gretchen's aunt's and mother's never-fail recipes and those Gretchen developed herself over the years. Available for Kindle only from Amazon reasonably prices at $2.99 each per download. Here are the Amazon links for Never Fail Peanut Brittle ( or for Never Fail Caramel & English Toffee (



The Fly Pattern Encyclopedia (2000) was our first book with Amato Publications. Innovative Flies and Techniques followed (2005) feature a more detail look at patterns from the first book. Rotary Tying Techniques was our third book in 2008. The Encyclopedia is available on Amazon as a spiral hard cover (varied prices). All three books are available in paper back via Amazon or RIGHT HERE priced at $24.95 (Encyclopedia & Rotary) or $19.95 (Innovative). The shipping varies based on weight.









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BT's Dubbing Wax Formulas


This wax is designed for touch dubbing and is not a finger wax. The Tacky formula is for flies size 12 or smaller and the Super Tacky formula is for larger flies and for stiffer dubbing (like Seal-Ex). The Super Tacky was developed for Gary LaFontaine to support his style of touch dubbing. He preferred the Super Tacky and our favorite is the Tacky. You'll have to decide which formula you prefer. Place an Order.
$6.50 BT's Tacky Wax, per tube
$6.50 BT's Super Tacky Wax, per tube

BT's Blended Dubbing

DoubleMagic SoftTouch

Double Magic: Use BT's Double Magic Dubbing for applying the colored highlights to support his Gary LaFontaine's Theory of Attraction. The colors we have AND USE are: White-1, Ginger-3, Pink-4, Coral-5, Hot Pink-6, Red-7, Orange-8, Rust-9, Dark Rust-10, Mauve-11, Purple-12, Light Golden Brown-13, Coachman (red) Brown-14, Mahogany-15, Dark Brown-16, Yellow-17, Lime-18, Light-Olive-19, Dark Olive-20, Light Gray-21, Medium Gray-22, Black-23, Twilight Blue-24, Adams Gray-25 and Peacock-26. Click here for a color chart.
$3.00 per package OR 17 colors of your choice for $45.00
Some colors are out of stock
Place an Order.

Soft Touch: This is our favorite natural fiber dubbing that we prefer for many of our personal dry flies. It is incredibly easy to apply to the thread using the "touch-noodle technique." What we are so enthusiastic about this dubbing it is has absolutely NO GUARD HAIRS in it. The colors we have AND USE areWhite-1, Ginger-3, Pink-4, Coral-5, Hot Pink-6, Red-7, Orange-8, Rust-9, Dark Rust-10, Mauve-11, Purple-12, Light Golden Brown=13, Coachman (red) Brown-14, Mahogany-15, Dark Brown-16, Yellow-17, Lime-18, Light-Olive-19, Dark Olive-20, Light Gray-21, Medium Gray-22, Black-23, Twilight Blue-24, Peacock-26, Dusty Blue-27, Royal Blue-28, Navy Blue-29, Lilac-30, Periwinkle-31, Berry- 32 and Lavendar-33. Click here for a color chart.
$3.00 per package OR 20 colors (your choice) for $55.00

Some colors are out of stock
Place an Order.

Touch'A Tron: This is our favorite synthetic dubbing that performs like the natural fiber Soft Touch dubbing listed above except it has Gretchen's "added bit of a special flash" she likes. It's kind of a cross between the Double Magic and Soft Touch made especially for the touch-noodle dubbing technique especially effective with our BT's Dubbing Waxes (Tacky or Super Tacky) listed above. The colors we have AND USE are HE- Hare's Ear, GC-Green Caddis, White-1, Ginger-3, Pink-4, Hot Pink-6, Red-7, Orange-8, Rust-9, Dark Rust-10, Mauve-11, Purple-12, Light Golden Brown=13, Coachman (red) Brown-14, Mahogany-15, Yellow-17, Lime-18, Light-Olive-19, Dark Olive-20, Light Gray-21, Medium Gray-22, Black-23, Adams Gray-25 and Peacock-26. Click here for a color chart.
$3.00 per package OR all 25 colors for $70
Some colors are out of stock

Place an Order.

BT's Tools

Seven Brass Tools -- $36.95
Threader/Half-Hitch -- $3.25
Bodkin/Half-Hitch -- $3.25
Brass Stacker -- $9.95
Scissors (gold handle) -- $7.95
Rotating Whip-Finisher -- $6.35
Bobbin (standard, flared) -- $3.25
Rotating Hackle Pliers -- $6.35

Long Ceramic Wood Bobbin
Out of Stock

Med Cermanic Wood Bobbin
Out of Stock

Thumb Ceramic Bobbin -- $7.30

Rotating Hackle Pliers $6.35

Non-skid Hackle Pliers -- $2.95
EZY Hackle Pliers -- $2.95
Hackle GuageToolsHalfHitchGuards

Hackle Gauge -- $2.95
Hackle Guards (set of 3) -- $3.50
Half-Hitch Set
(3) -- $4.95

Material Spring -- $1.95
Dubbing Whirl -- $4.95
Dubbing Loop Twister -- $4.95
Spring Scissors $7.95 (angled or straight)
Gold Loop Scissors -- $7.95
Saltwater Whip-Finisher -- $8.95
Leg Knotting Tool -- $6.35
Bird-Style Dubbing Hook -- $4.95
Sure Grip Tweezers
$7.95 (very fine points)


Thread, Floss, Stretch, Poly
We use Danville 6/0 (70 denier)thread for almost all of our tying and size A (200 denier) unwaxed thread as our single strand floss.TMore than 20 years ago, we added Nylon Stretch to our thread line up. Those three have served us well for many years so even though there are many other types of thread on the market, we like (and sell) Danville.

Thread Colors: 100-Black, 1-White, 56-Red, 8-Yellow, 429-Coffe, 60-Olive, 61-Light Olive, 31-Gray, 2-Eggshell, 41-Beige, 4-Maize, 47-Tobbaco Brown, 501-Fl Red (look dark pink), 503-Fl Orange, 502-Fl Yellow, 504-Fl Green, 505 Fl Fire Orange, 507-Fl Blue and 508-Fl Pink. Size 6/0 only

Floss Colors: 100-Black, 1-White, 8-Yellow, 7-Orange, 12-Burnt Orange, 60-Olive, 56-Red, 901-Peacock, 503-Fl Orange, 504-Fl Green and 505-Fl Fire Orange. Size A, unwaxed only

Nylon Stretch Colors: 1-white, 100-black, 47-tobacco brown, 56-red, 73-dark brown, 901-peacock green (dark olive), 501-fl. red, 502-fl. yellow, 503-fl. orange, 504-fl. green (lime), 505-fl. fire orange, 507-fl. blue, 508-fl. pink.

Dry Fly Poly Yarn by Phentex: This is great wing or body material for that perfect dry fly OR to use as a strike indicator. We like it for wings on Humpies, Wulff and Trudes like those featured in our book, EZY Trout Flies. We include 5 yards of single strand poly yarn in each package.
Poly Colors: 12-Cole Black, 55-Stonefly Orange, 60-Calf Tail White, 61-Chocolate Brown, 67-Adams Gray, & 74-PMD Tan.

Thread (6/0) = $3.00
Floss = $2.00
Nylon Stretch = $2.00
Phentex Poly Yarn = $2.00
Go to this affiliate link for a complete skein of Phentex at a reasonable price -

Bulk Beads

These solid beads have a beveled hole at one end that is slightly larger than the hole at the other end. The beveled hole aids in slipping the bead around the hook bend - the smaller hole goes against the hook eye.
Colors =
black, copper, silver, and gold. Small (2mm #14-#20), medium (3mm #8-#12), large (4mm #2-#8) and extra large (5mm #s6 & bigger). Bulk packages of 100 beads only.

$9.95 per pkg


Danvise Information

DANVISE EXTENSION ARM: The Danvise Extension Arm is a product our company manufactures. We are the ONLY source in the USA for the Extension Arm.

REPLACEMENT JAWS: Unfortuneatley, we no longer have a source for the jaws.


Danvise Extension Arm (does not include the vise, the jaws, or the cam lever) $30.00









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We were honored to receive this major recognition in 2013 from Fly Tyer Magazine.


BT's Fly Fishing & Photography
Boise, Idaho 83709-4414

Local OR Outside the USA

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